Our Service

Maintenance Process & Operation Spare Parts

FE Industrial MRO Supply (Official Name is FROSSEL (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.) provides a single-source procurement solution and coordinated supply of maintenance, repair, and operation  (MRO) products to a variety of manufacturing, process, and OEM customer. We specialize in  providing manufacturing plants both large and small with any and all of their equipment  spare part needs.  All spare parts are from overseas originally as we buy from the original  Manufacturers and distributors which are including our featured partners such as Grainger,    Motion Industrial, IDG, McMaster, WESCO, Hagemeyer, Fastenal and Applied Industrial.


Key Words:

*** Industrial MRO distributor / distribution in China / Shanghai;

*** Industrial MRO procurement service provider;

*** Global / International MRO Supplier in China / Shanghai;

Worldwide MRO Sourcing, providing over 650,000 spare parts 


The full range of product offerings in this category include
distribution and Fasteners,Cutting Tools and Metal Work, Air
Tools & Hand Tools, Plumbing & Valves, Pumps & Hydraulics,
Electrical, Safety products, Motors & Power Transmission,
Fleet & Automotive, Abrasives and Chemicals & Paints and so on.

See more about product category,  click here

Over 5,000 overseas Brands available

FE Industrial MRO Supply System managing a wide range of US and European 
Brands to guarantee the original products providing from the manufacturers
or their authorized distributors. 

See more about our Brands Listing,  click here


Featured Partners

  • Grainger
  • Motion Industrial
  • IDG
  • McMaster-CARR
  • Applied Industrial
Copyright © 2020 FROSSEL (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., All rights reserved. 沪ICP备13014090号-1

费法实业(上海)有限公司代理品牌:PIAB | TAWI | NORGREN | HERION | BUSCHJOST | BIMBA | Sealed Air | Autobag | GP REEVES | Pyromation | Slice | SPI | MSC Direct | HGE | MOOG | ALPA | FDC | RJH Finishing | Jet-Kleen | RAMEX | SATA世达
热门关键词:PIAB, TAWI, COAX, piGRIP, piINLINE, piCLASSIC, 瑞典派亚博, 真空吸盘, 平面吸盘, 波纹吸盘, 无痕吸盘, 海绵吸盘, 食品级吸盘, 防滑吸盘, 玻璃吸盘, 纸箱吸盘, 木板吸盘, 真空发生器, 真空输送机, 真空吊具, 英国诺冠, NORGREN, HERION, BUSCHJOST, BIMBA, Norgren, 电磁阀, 诺冠电磁阀, 比例阀, 流体控制阀, 减压阀, 调压阀, 溢流阀, 底板阀, 角座阀, 除尘阀, 气缸阀, 气控阀, 防爆阀, 低温阀, 防腐阀, 阀岛, 手动阀, 隔膜阀, 活塞阀, 节流阀, 微型比例阀, 插装阀, 吹瓶阀, 定量阀, 双联阀, 安全阀, Norgren气缸, 诺冠气缸, 重载气缸, 气动执行器, 加长气缸, 长行程气缸, 不锈钢气缸, 非标气缸, 电缸, 电动执行器, 微型电缸, Norgren过滤器, Norgren油雾过滤器, 过滤器, 气源三联件, 气动三联件, 啤酒温控调节器, 油雾器, 油水分离器, 除油过滤器